Story Title
| Location
| Notes
Deep Breath
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in
The Day of the Doctor.
Lights Out | Puffin e-book |
The Mercy Seats | Scientific Secrets |
Into the Dalek |
Road Rage | DWA 352 |
Chime Time | DWA 353 |
Silhouette | BBC novel |
Robot of Sherwood |
Once Bitten | DWA 354 |
Crash Landing | DWA 355 |
The Crawling Terror | BBC novel |
The Blood Cell | BBC novel |
The Charge of the Night Brigade | BF 12DC 1.1 |
|  Features an
encounter with the young first Doctor, many years prior to Dr Who and
the Daleks.
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in The Constant
Flashback of the Doctor and Gertie visiting Mars in Super Gran.
The Monsters of Coal Hill School | Annual 2015 |
Time Heist |
When the Wolves Came | Annual 2015 |
Freeze | Annual 2015 |
The Best-Laid Plans | Short Trips 9.X |
The Eye of Torment | DWM 477-480 |
The Court of Birds | DWA 356 |
More than Meets the Eye | DWA 357 |
Witch Work | DWA 358 |
Buyer's Remorse | Heroes and Monsters |
The Caretaker |
Terrorformer | Titan 12th 1-2 |
The Swords of Kali | Titan 12th 3-5 |
The Doctor first encounters Diana Winter, as recounted in
The Gods of Winter.
Silver Mosquitoes | Scientific Secrets |
A Long Way Down | Time Trips |
Kill the Moon |
Mummy on the Orient Express
Gift Snatched! | DWA 359 |
War Wounds | BF 12DC 1.2 |
Flatline |
The Instruments of War | DWM 481-483 |
The Body Electric | Titan FCBD 2015 |
The Fractures | Titan 12th 6-8 |
Gangland | Titan 12th 9-10 |
Flashback of the Doctor and Gertie fighting the gestalt in Super Gran.
In the Forest of the Night
Four Doctors | Titan mini-series | Features the tenth Doctor between
Sins of the Father and The Singer Not the Song; the
eleventh Doctor between The Comfort of the Good and The
Then and the Now; a flashback of the War Doctor some time before the events of
Decoy; and an appearance by the ninth Doctor, between
A Groatsworth of Wit and Rose and the Snow Window.
All the Empty Towers | Scientific Secrets |
Dark Water Death in Heaven
Behind You | BBC DW website |
Last Christmas
The Gods of Winter | BBC audiobook | Recounts the Doctor's first
encounter with Diana Winter, which occurs between The Swords of Kali and
Silver Mosquitoes.
Petrified | DWA 360 |
The Wheelers | DWA 361 |
Five a Day | DWA 362 |
The Very Hungry Snake | DWA 363 |
Royal Blood | BBC novel |
Sunset Over Venus | Scientific Secrets |
Space Invaders! | DWM 484 |
Blood and Ice | DWM 485-488 |
Selfie | Titan one-shot |
Empire's Fall | DWA v2 1 |
The Big Hush | DWA v2 2 |
The Giant's Heart | DWA v2 3 |
Flashback of the Doctor and Gertie encountering a mummy at the Pyramids in
Super Gran.
Doctor in a Bottle | DWA v2 3 |
Doctor on the Menu | DWA v2 4 |
Trust | DWA v2 5 |
Hyperballad | DWA v2 6 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in Who-Dini?
Big Bang Generation | BBC novel |
Helana and the Beast | Time Lord Fairy Tales
| This heavily-stylized telling may not be an accurate depiction of events.
Beauty Sleep | DWA v2 7 |
Unearthly Things | Titan 12th 11 |
The Hyperion Empire | Titan 12th 12-15 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in
A Matter of Life and Death.
Spirits of the Jungle | DWM 489-491 |
The House of Winter | BBC audiobook |
Deep Time | BBC novel |
The Doctor's Meditation | BBC mini-episode |
The Magician's Apprentice The Witch's Familiar
Under the Lake Before the Flood
The Cuckoo | BBC audiobook |
The Girl Who Died
The Highgate Horror | DWM 492-493 |
Time and PR in Space | DWA v2 8 |
The Sins of Winter | BBC audiobook |
My Dad, The Doctor | First News |
The Ministry of Time | DWA v2 9 |
Big in Japan | DWA v2 10 |
The Doctor tracks a Barroxian probe that crashes in the Belgian Congo, as recounted in
Mission of the KaaDok.
The Three Flames | Short Trips 12.3 |
Distant Voices | BF 12DC 1.3 |
The Woman Who Lived
The Cradle | The Decades Collection |
The Dragon Lord | DWM 494-495 |
Zorgo the Terrible | Annual 2016 |
Super Gran | Annual 2016 | Flashbacks show the Doctor taking Gertie to Mars,
between Listen and The Monsters of Coal Hill School; fighting a gestalt
creature trying to superheat the planet, between Gangland and In the Forest of
the Night; and encountering a mummy at the Pyramids, between The Giant's Heart
and Doctor in a Bottle.
The Persistence of Memory | 12 Doctors of Xmas |
Night of the Kraken | Choose the Future 1 |
Baby Sleepy Face | Tales of Terror |
The Zygon Invasion The Zygon Inversion
Sleep No More
Relative Dimensions | Titan 12th 16 |
Clara Oswald and the School of Death | Titan 12th 2.1-2.4 |
The Fourth Wall | Titan 12th 2.5 |
A Stitch in Time | Comic Creator | Features appearances by the
eleventh Doctor during The Angels Take Manhattan;
the first Doctor during The End of Tomorrow;
the tenth Doctor during Silence in the Library;
the second Doctor during The Ice Warriors;
the ninth Doctor during World War Three;
the third Doctor during The Sea Devils;
the fifth Doctor during The Visitation;
the sixth Doctor during The Two Doctors;
the seventh Doctor during Remembrance of the Daleks;
the eighth Doctor during Autumn Mist; and
the fourth Doctor during Revenge of the Cybermen.
Theatre of the Mind | DWM 496 |
The Memory of Winter | BBC audiobook |
Witch Hunt | DWM 497-499 |
Face the Raven
Heaven Sent
Hell Bent
Haunted | BBC DW website |
Field Trip | BF 12DC 1.4 |
All That Glitters | American Adventures |
The Doctor promises to protect Kiron, as seen in The Promise.
The Spice Route | DWA v2 11 |
Ghosts of the Seas | DWA v2 12 |
Shock Horror | DWA v2 13 |
Sky Manor | DWA v2 14 |
Terror Moon | Choose the Future 2 |
The Mondas Touch | Myths & Legends |
Robo Rampage | Titan FCBD 2016 |
The Astrea Conspiracy | Short Trips 9.02 |
Off the Trail | American Adventures |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in Doctor Who
and the Horror of Coal Hill.
The Stockbridge Showdown | DWM 500 |
The Pestilent Heart | DWM 501-503 |
Moving In | DWM 504 |
Bloodsport | DWM 505-506 |
Be Forgot | DWM 507 |
Doorway to Hell | DWM 508-511 |
Ghosts of New York | American Adventures |
The Doctor rescues Kiron from a Howler, as seen in The Promise.
Petals | DWA v2 15 |
Gallery | DWA v2 16 |
Pirates of Vourakis | DWA v2 17 |
From the Horse's Mouth | DWA v2 18 |
Fear Buds | DWA v2 19 |
Royal Wedding | DWA v2 20 |
Night of the Worms | DWA v2 21 |
Wings of the Predator | DWA v2 22 |
Killer App | DWA v2 23 |
Taking the Plunge | American Adventures |
A Song for Running | Short Trips bonus |
The Long Con | Titan one-shot | Features appearances by the tenth Doctor during
Vortex Butterflies; and the eleventh
Doctor between The Comfort of the Good and The Then and the Now.
Supremacy of the Cybermen | Titan mini-series | Features the ninth
Doctor between The Doctor Dances and Weapons of Past
Destruction; the tenth Doctor during Vortex Butterflies;
and the eleventh Doctor between
Physician, Heal Thyself and Something Borrowed.
Time distortions also affect the first Doctor during An Unearthly
Child; the second Doctor during The Moonbase; the third
Doctor between Prisoners of the Lake and Where the Heart Is;
the fourth Doctor between The Fear and The Ribos Operation;
the fifth Doctor between Planet of Fire and Light at the End of
the Tunnel; the sixth Doctor during The Trial of a Time Lord;
the seventh Doctor between Doctor Conkeror! and Living in the
Past; the eight Doctor between A Matter of Life and Death and The
Time Ball; and the War Doctor on the last day of the Time War.
The Twist | Titan 12th 2.6-2.8 |
Playing House | Titan 12th 2.9-2.10 |
Dark Space | Four From Doom's Day |
Spectator Sport | American Adventures |
Elephant in the Room | Annual 2017 |
The Promise | Annual 2017 | We see the Doctor making his promise to Kiron, between
All That Glitters and The Spice Route; and saving him from a Howler, between
Ghosts of New York and Petals.
For Tonight We Might Die | Class episode 1 |
Terror of the Cabinet Noir | Titan 12th 2.11-2.13 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in That's All Right, Mama.
Invasion of the Mindmorphs | Titan 12th 2.14-2.15 |
Base of Operations | American Adventures |
The Boy with the Displaced Smile | Titan 12th 3.2 |
The Lost Angel | BBC audiobook |
The Lost Planet | BBC audiobook |
The Lost Magic | BBC audiobook |
The Lost Flame | BBC audiobook |
Beneath the Waves | Titan 12th 3.1, 3.3-3.4 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in
Vortex Butterflies.
Grey Matter | Twelve Angels Weeping |
Death Among the Stars | BBC audiobook |
A Cold Snap | DWA v2 24 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in
The Good Companion.
Catch a Falling Star | Titan FCBD 2018 |
Rhythm of Destruction | BBC audiobook |
The Doctor inadvertently gives Grant superpowers, as
seen in The Return of Doctor Mysterio>.
The Husbands of River Song
The Doctor is summoned to act as Missy's executioner, as seen in flashback in
The Return of Doctor Mysterio
|  Features the Doctor's
first encounter with Grant, which occurs prior to The Husbands of River Song.
The Nightmare Realm | BBC audiobook |
The Doctor begins teaching at St Luke's University, keeping his vow to guard the Vault
over many decades.
In 1997, the Doctor gives a lecture - and fails to meet his older self - as seen in
Emancipation of the Daleks.
Girl Power! | Missy Chronicles |
The Ice Kings | BBC audiobook |
Flight to Calandra | Timejacked! |
Split Second The Weight of History
Missy Loves Ghostie | Annual 2018 |
Abduction | Dalek |
Dead Media | Short Trips 9.09 |
Ghost Stories | Titan mini-series |
Regeneration Impossible | Short Trips 10.05 | Features an appearance by the
eleventh Doctor, between The Dalek Generation and The Great Detective.
The Pilot
Thin Ice
The Soul Garden | DWM 512-514 |
War Stories | Short Trips 13.X24 |
Diamond Dogs | BBC novel |
The Shining Man | BBC novel |
The Promise | Titan FCBD 2017 | Features flashbacks of the ninth Doctor between
Battle Scars and A Day to Yourselves; the tenth Doctor during
Vortex Butterflies; and the eleventh Doctor between
The Tragical History Tour and Time of the Ood.
Emancipation of the Daleks | BF audio novel | The Doctor takes alt-Bill back to 1997, avoiding
contact with his younger self.
Knock Knock
Loose in the Lane | Annual 2018 |
The Last Action Figure | Titan one-shot | Features a flashback of the fifth Doctor,
between Zaltys and Kingdom of Lies.
I Am the Doctor | Annual 2018 |
|  Features flashbacks of
the Doctor acting as Missy's executioner, between The Husbands of River Song and The
Return of Doctor Mysterio.
The Pyramid at the End of the World
The Lie of the Land
Sunstrike | BF 12DC 3.1 |
Never the End Is | BF 12DC 3.2 |
You Only Die Twice | BF 12DC 3.3 |
Bill and the Three Jackets | The Day She Saved the Doctor |
The Parliament of Fear | DWM 515-517 |
Matildus | DWM 518 |
The Phantom Piper | DWM 519-523 |
The Clockwise War | DWM 524-530 | Features a flashback of the War Doctor, a long time before
The Third Wise Man.
Plague City | BBC novel |
Empress of Mars
The Eaters of Light
The Chaos Cascade | BF audio novel |
Inflicting Christmas | Wintertime Paradox |
The Wolves of Winter | Titan 12th 3.5-3.7 |
The Lost Dimension | Titan mini-series | Features appearances by the ninth Doctor
between Only Human and Boom Town; the tenth Doctor during
Vortex Butterflies; the third Doctor between
The Hungry Planet and Children of the Evil Eye; the fifth
Doctor between Do You Smell Carrots? and Empire of the Racnoss; the
eleventh Doctor between Hungry Thirsty Roots and Midnight Feast; the
fourth Doctor, between The Final Analysis and The Creature from the Pit;
the second Doctor, between The Piltdown Men and The Extortioner;
the eighth Doctor between A Matter of Life and Death and The Time Ball;
the first Doctor between From Eternity and Making History; the sixth
Doctor between The Carrionite Curse and Criss-Cross; the seventh Doctor
between Christmas in Toronto and A Thousand Tiny Wings; and the War Doctor
some time prior to The Third Wise Man. There is also a flashback of the sixth
Doctor helping to found Horlak's colony, after Voyage to the New World.
The Great Shopping Bill | Titan 12th 3.9 |
Pain Management | Target Storybook |
A Confusion of Angels | Titan 12th 3.10-3.13 |
Appearance of twelfth Doctor in Where's the Doctor?
Tulpa | Road to 13th Doctor 3 |
Harvest of the Daleks | The Many Lives of Doctor Who |
The Master Plan | Titan DW Comic: Missy | Features the third Doctor checking on
the Master's imprisonment in Stormcage, between Galactic Gangster
and Target Practice; and also narrowly missing Missy and the Master when they infiltrate UNIT HQ, between
The Claws of Axos and The Mega.
A Doctor in the House? | Titan DW Comic: Doom's Day |
World Enough and Time The Doctor Falls
|  The twelfth Doctor's
appearance in The Road to... occurs during this story.
Twice upon a Time
|  Features an appearance by
the first Doctor, occurring during The Tenth Planet.
Go to adventures of the thirteenth Doctor Who