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The Eye Spiders of Pergross was the local Doctor Who fan group for the Poole/Bournemouth area. The group was formed back in 1996, taking its name from the classic 1977 Doctor Who story - and sadly wound up in 2004.

The Eye Spiders met as an informal social group - to chat, play games, watch videos (not necessarily Doctor Who - in fact, hardly ever...), have a drink, have a laugh. A shared interest in Doctor Who may have been the original reason for the group's existence, but was certainly not its driving force. In this post-modern age, we could all accept that Doctor Who was hardly a major work of art, and we loved it anyway.

Crazy moments included trips to nearby Who locations - as you can see from some of the pictures below - one of which unexpectedly saw us bumping into the local Blakes 7 group! And then there was our intensely enthusiastic but completely impractical plan to make our own Doctor Who video production. We had a brilliant and original idea, scripts were completed, the major parts were cast, and pre-production work commenced. Then we realized that we didn't have any equipment, nor any money with which to make the thing. It's no wonder we put the project on indefinite hold...

The Eye Spiders also produced a fanzine, Kklak! - which was given out free at the monthly Doctor Who pub meetings at the Fitzroy Tavern in London - and eventually ran to at a staggering eight issues. I wrote a regular column - some of my articles are to be found elsewhere on this site.

The Eye Spiders came to an end when several members moved out of the area - although many of the former members are still in touch and meet up occasonally - and it's scary how young we look in some of these pictures!

Some links to other former Eye Spiders
and related sites

Newton's Laws -
Matthew Newton, another Kklak! columnist. His site features the James Bond films, lots of television programmes, submarines, and a whole lot more...
Ultra Violet -
The lovely Violet Metalupiter.
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Doctor Who, the television series - The Complete Adventures - Bullseye Books